There's many times where I feel this. When I feel the need to "keep it together" (for the sake of everybody else's sanity). Especially as someone who is looked up to as a leader where I'm employed, or even just as a cool, calm, and collected person in the midst of chaos, to be that steady, strong beacon of hope. To never give in, to not opening that door to the pain and turmoil that's been locked away, buried deep inside. Because if those emotions see the light of day, especially during a crisis, then multiple people can face unintended consequences.

Sometimes, society puts unreasonable pressure upon people "to hold it together". We need to normalize just being human beings, so thank you for tugging at those heart strings, and shedding light upon a dimmed area of many people's lives.

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I 100% agree. No one should feel like they’re required to be the one who holds everything together all the time.

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