Golden berry jam

Golden berry jam is fairly simple to make. All you will need is golden berries (I used four containers), one cup of sugar, one cup of water, and 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice. You can cut the berries in half if you choose but I found they break down during cooking very nicely. Cook the berries in the water for ten minutes and then add the sugar. Once the sugar is dissolved add the lemon juice and bring to a boil. Cook for 20 minutes. To see if the jam is ready, put a little on a chilled plate. If it sets and wrinkles when pushed with a spoon, it’s done cooking. If not, cook for another 5-10 minutes. When the jam is ready, add to sterilized jars (sterilize jars by putting them in boiling water for a couple minutes). Let the jam cool before refrigerating it. The picture on the right is what the golden berry jam I made using this recipe looks like.